Mission Statement

“The Curryblossom Foundation is a North Carolina-based
501(c)(3) non-profit, funding projects to promote farming,
food, and family in a global community.”

EIN: 82-5120019

Core Beliefs

We believe that People are sacred and therefore commit to the critical work of nourishment.

We believe that Places are sacred and commit to transforming our place’s cultural economy and resilience.

We believe that food is our language of love and accountability. Therefore we honor the truths and legacies of people and places through
responsible and responsive navigation of our Ecosystem.

We believe in the inherent dignity of labor, and therefore we are engaged in emerging economically just models of resourcing service, procuring food, and supporting community nourishment.

We believe in responsibly impacting the local economies, and therefore commit to building, sustaining, and transforming the Curryblossom Ecosystem.

We believe that ethical leadership and public health must be the drivers of transforming food systems. Therefore, we commit to investing in capacity building across the food systems network for generations to come.

We believe in procuring, sourcing, and cooking with local produce as part of our culinary, cultural work and commit to investing in our community’s health, wellness, and healing.

We believe in stewarding local food economies and are committed to transforming food systems in our city, state, and region.

We believe in radical system change and are therefore committed to stewarding our natural resources and people.